Author: Meurerus Ignatius, 1586 - 1672
Title: Acta & Literæ Ab VIII. Maij Anni M. DC. XXIV. Usq. Ad VI. Novemb. Anni M. DC. XXV. Inter utrius. Regni, Sveciæ & Poloniæ, Senatores ac Officiales commutatæ. Ex Mandato Sæ. Ræ. Mtis. Sveciæ.
Title in English: Acts and Documents from 8 May 1624 to 6 November 1625 between Both Kingdoms, Sweden and Poland, Exchanged by Senators and Officials. From the Order of the Holy Royal Majesty of Sweden.
Stockholm, Kolofon, around 1625.
Format: 4:o. *2, A4-C4,D3, E4-Q4,R5.
Binding: title back of the blade with large national emblem in woodcut.
Ex libris: from the library of Löberöd and Harald Vienna, with its bookplates, and Hilding Pleijel both bookplates, and Kurt Winberg's signature on the back cover.
This item is a collection of letters and documents concerning the war and negotiations between Sweden and Poland-Lithuania in 1600-1629.
The Acts and Writings of the Senators and Officers of the Kingdoms of Poland and Sweden from 8 May 1624 to 6 November 1625 is a collection of diplomatic documents and agreements related to the 1600-1629 war between Sweden and the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth over influence on the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region.
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 462.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 462-463.