N / A, The Last Supper
N / A, Our Lady of Trakai
N / A, Mother of God Guiding Star
N / A, The Holy Trinity Based on the Old Testament
N / A, Resurrection of Jesus
N / A, Mother of God (Hodegetria)
N / A, Inlay of a Painting
N / A, The Dormition of the Mother of God
N / A, Deputy Elder of Grodno Sejm Zygmunt Boufał
N / A, Jan Fryderyk Sapieha
N / A, St John Nepomucene
N / A, St Anthony’s Apparition
N / A, Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus
N / A, Archangel Michael
N / A, St Anthony of Padua
N / A, Marshall of Grodno Powiat Krzysztof Jundziłł
N / A, A two-sided picture "Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary"
Czechowicz Szymon, Saint Martyr Erasmus from Formia
N / A, St Ursula with St Joseph and St Stanislaus
N / A, Ann Herself Making the Third: The Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus and St Ann
N / A, Ann Herself Making the Third: The Virgin Mary with the Infant Jesus and St Ann
N / A, St John Nepomucene
N / A, The Holy Trinity
N / A, Pietà with St Veronica
Smuglewicz Franciszek, Allegory of Redemption
N / A, Apparition of St Catherin of Siena (?)
Smuglewicz Lukasz, St Roch
Carloni Marco, Engraving based on a drawing by Franciszek Smuglewicz and Vincenzo Brenna
Smuglewicz Franciszek, The Abduction of Hippodameia
Smuglewicz Franciszek, Hippolytus' departure for the hunt
Smuglewicz Franciszek, Portrait of The Hon. Aubrey Beauclerk and his Family, in an elegant interior, a view to the Castel Gandolfo beyond
N / A, Blessing Christ
Smuglewicz Franciszek, David in front of King Saul
N / A, St Thaddaeus
N / A, Madonna and the Infant Jesus
N / A, Ecce Homo!
Smuglewicz Franciszek, Apostle St James Junior
Smuglewicz Franciszek, Praying Jesus (?)
N / A, St Catherine
N / A, St John Nepomucene
N / A, St Catherine
N / A, Our Lady of Pažaislis
N / A, St Casimir
N / A, St Barbara
Smuglewicz Franciszek, From Lithuanian Peasants’ Life
Nemierowski Franciszek, St Ivon
N / A, Portrait of Michał Deszert, Centurion of Navahrudak
N / A, St George the Martyr
Rustem Jan, Thumbnail of Tadeusz Kościuszko on ivory
N / A, Karol Stalisław Radziwiłł
N / A, Jesus of Nazareth
N / A, Sacred Heart of Jesus
N / A, St Hyacinth
N / A, Sick St. Rock
Niewiarowicz Wladyslaw, (Atr.) Andromeda Unchained
Oleszkiewicz Józef, Count Fedor Tolstoi (Amerikanets),
Rustem Jan, Portrait of a Young Aristocrat with a Uniform of Malta's Order of Knights
Peszka Józef, Portrait of a Woman
N / A, St Anthony
N / A, St Anthony
N / A, Pietà
N / A, Holy Name of Jesus
Rustem Jan, (Atr.) Sacred Heart of Jesus
N / A, The Holy Trinity
Jozef Hintz Andrzej, Gentlemen with the Order
N / A, St Joseph
Damel Jan, Sunset in Tobolsk
Oleszkiewicz Józef, Portrait of Aleksandra Vojejkova
N / A, Our Lady of Sorrows
Oleszkiewicz Józef, Portrait of a Woman
Łukaszewicz Tadeusz, Portrait of Emilia Plater
N / A, Portrait of Hieronim Stroynowski, Bishop of Vilnius
N / A, Eighth Station. Jesus Calms the Weeping Women
Januszkiewicz Marcelli, Vilnius Botanical Garden
N / A, The Holy Relatives
N / A, St Casimir
Wańkowicz Walenty, Portrait of his wife Anelė
Jozef Hintz Andrzej, Portrait of Duchess Fabiana Obuchowicz-Czapska
Jozef Hintz Andrzej, Portrait of Countess Maria Czapska
Jozef Hintz Andrzej, Portrait of Count Karol Czapski
N / A, Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus
Łukaszewicz Tadeusz, Portrait of a Man
N / A, Tenth Station. Jesus is Stripped of his Garments
N / A, Fourteenth Station. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
Niewiarowicz Wladyslaw, The Repentant St. Mary Magdalene
Rypiński Karol, Portrait of Aleksander Płonczyński
Rusiecki Kanuty, The Reaper
N / A, Our Lady of the Rosary
N / A, Our Lady of Częstochowa
N / A, St Anthony’s Apparition
Żamett Albert, Vilnius surroundings. Bend
Żamett Albert, Girl with a wheel lyre
Smuglewicz Felix Antoni, Portrait of Emilia Baniewicz
Gorecki Tadeusz, Humility (Portrait of Maria Elena Julia Mickiewicz)
Illakowicz Napoleon, Portrait of a youth
N / A, Our Lady of Częstochowa
N / A, The Holy Family
N / A, St Barbara and St Ann with the Virgin Mary
N / A, Eleventh Station. Crucifixion of Jesus
Żamett Albert, Italian landscape
Moraczyński Jan, Seamstress (a Jewish woman threading a needle)
Moraczyński Jan, Still life (Vanitas)
Illakowicz Napoleon, Portrait of a Woman
Illakowicz Napoleon, Mountain scenery
Pawłowicz Edward Bonifacy, Portrait of a Sitting Man with a Cane
Rypiński Karol, Portrait of Mme. Leńska
Rusiecki Kanuty, (Atr.), Rest on the way to Egypt
N / A, St Casimir
Rafałowicz Karol, Storm in the Black Sea
N / A, The Holy Family
N / A, The Holy Spirit
N / A, Pietà
N / A, The Holy Trinity
Smokowski Wincenty, Album of 22 drawings
Żamett Albert, View of Rome from the Arco Oscuro street
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, Portrait of a Girl
Marszewski Jozef, Rural landscape
Kulesza Michał, Trakai Castle
N / A, Betrothal of the Blessed Virgin Mary
N / A, Jesus’ Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
Daunoras Stanislovas, St Peter Weeping
N / A, A two-sided picture the Crucifixion and St Barbara
N / A, A two-sided picture St Barbara and the Crucifixion
N / A, Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
N / A, St Catherine
Žilevičius Jurgis, Ninth Station. Jesus Falls the Third Time
Žilevičius Jurgis, Sixth Station. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Marszewski Jozef, Fishermen’s Boats in France
Przepiorski Lucien, Girl with a Plate
Rybakov Ivan, Old Woman with a Child on Her Lap
N / A, Transfiguration
N / A, The Holy Trinity
Smokowski Wincenty, Portrait of an Old Jew
Marszewski Jozef, Mediterranean region
Andriolli Michał Elwiro, A Girl
N / A, Patrons of the Family
N / A, Scourging of Jesus
N / A, St Agnes
Andriolli Michał Elwiro, Solitaire
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, Zingara
Rusiecki Boleslaw, Portrait of a Young Aristocrat
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
Silvanowicz Nikodem, Portrait of Stefan Sylvanovich, son of the artist
Fleury Stanisław Filibert, Drawing of a plaster Corinthian capital
N / A, St. Anastasia
Leszczynski Wladyslaw, Dionysus and Ariadne
Chrucki Jan, Still-life
Römer Alfred Izydor, Portrait of Edward Mateusz Romer
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, Dressed-up Peasant Woman
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
N / A, St Francis of Assisi
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, In the Tatra Valley
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, The Holy Family
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, Portrait of a Girl
N / A, St Thaddaeus
Bohusz-Siestrzeńcewicz Stanisław, The Little Faun
Römer Edward Mateusz, Peasant
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Snow Maiden
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Eastern Square (Tunis)
Ruszczyc Ferdynand, Blue Spurce
Tomaszewicz Bolesław, Portrait of a Man
Ruszczyc Ferdynand, Portrait of a Boy
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Trees
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, Old Man
Konstanty Gorski, Self-portrait
Jarocki Stanisław, Jesus' appearance to St. Peter
Jurjewicz Franciszek, The Shack
N / A, Immaculate Conception St. The Virgin Mary
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
Alchimowicz Hiacynt, Pyrenees Landscape
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Distances
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Sea Shore
Łukaszewicz Wincenty, Landscape
Trutnev Ivan, Opening of Railway Station
Bohusz-Siestrzeńcewicz Stanisław, Journey
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Eglė the Queen of Serpents
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Rocca Imperiale town at dusk
Kozlov Henryk, Portrait of a Priest
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Gardens of the villa D'este in Tivoli
N / A, Portrait of a Noblewoman
Stabrowski Kazimierz, A Cloudscape Study
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, Road Cross
Kalpokas Petras, Bridge in the Moonlight
Ruszczyc Ferdynand, Interior at Bohdanow
Žmuidzinavičius Antanas, Petras Kalpokas at Work
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Specter of Death
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Capri Shore
Niesiołowski Tymon, Fishes
Žmuidzinavičius Antanas, A Village in Dzūkija
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Coast
Galdikas Adomas, A Mounted Shooter
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, Milda
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Daturas
Stabrowski Kazimierz, View on Pico de Teide
Balzukiewicz Bolesław, Self-portrait
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Mists over the Sea Eyes
Šileika Jonas, Schwabing in Munich
Łukaszewicz Wincenty, In the Exhibition of the year 1911
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Mountain Landscape
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Guanti Grotto in Tenerife, from the Canary Collection
Stabrowski Kazimierz, A Ravine in the Mountains
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Cacti in Palermo
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Rome. Fontana Dei Cavalli Marini
Šileika Jonas, Portrait of an Old Bavarian
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Flowers
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Castle
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Medusae (from the Collection entitled "Inhabitants of the Sea")
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Way through the Mountains
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Banana Forest, from the Canary Collection
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Vesuvius
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Marketplace
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Sunset
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Grotto
Römer (Römerówna) Helena, Still-life with Apples and a Vase of Flowers
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Water lilies (A pond of Jonas Okunia's park)
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Castle Ruins
Konstanty Gorski, Visitation
Balzukiewicz Bolesław, The Street Vendor
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Sunset in the White Water Valley
Šimonis Kazys, Goddess Jūratė
Šimonis Kazys, Shepherd at the fairy gate
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Nocturne. The Southern Portico of the Villa
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Peacock
Didžiokas Vladas, Rural Huts
Karniej Edward, Self-portrait
Sleńdziński Ludomir, In the Sunshine
Šimonis Kazys, The city of fairy tales
Eidukevičius Vladas, Portrait of Mother (two-sided picture)
Didžiokienė Barbora, Dolls
Eidukevičius Vladas, Rustic landscape (two-sided picture)
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Blackbirds
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Fountain in the Park of Borghese Villa
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Courtyard and the Fountain
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Before the Dawn
Dubeneckis Vladimiras, Lithuanian hotel building
Kalpokas Petras, Portrait of a Woman
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Blue Capri Grotto
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Trees. The Palermo Motif
Soltan-Römer Anna, At the Fortune Teller’s
Varašius Steponas, A Sketch of a Man’s Head
Žmuidzinavičius Antanas, Seascape
Samuolis Antanas, Self-portrait
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Spirit of the mountains
Drėma Vladas, Design for a Poster Advertising Distance-learning Courses in Construction
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Blue Capri Grotto
Kalpokas Petras, Portrait of Kan. K. Prapuolenis
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Colosseum in the Moonlight
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Autumn Landscape
Kalpokas Petras, A Sunlit Hill by the Forest
Arbitblatas Neemija, Salome
Arbitblatas Neemija, Portrait of Director Juozas Vaičkus
Puzinas Povilas, Flowers
Römer Stefan, Young Woman with a Cigarette
Band Max, Wife and son
Švedė-Dubeneckienė-Kalpokienė Olga, Wili
Międzybłocki Adam, Vilnius University. The Observatory Building
Mikėnas Juozas, The Bather
Dembowska-Römer Zofia, Self-portrait
Valeška Adolfas, Portrait of Juozas Keliuotis
Band Max, Jewish Worker (Ouvrier Juif)
Katinas Leonas, Andrew from Rudamina
Dobuzhinsky Mstislav, Portrait of Vladas Eidukevičius
Didžiokas Vladas, Still-Life with Fruits
Egiz Bari, Portrait of a Woman
Perkowski Józef, Chapel
Kazokas Leonardas, Portrait of Rita Valeškaitė
Varnas Adomas, The Orphan
Vienožinskis Justinas, Portrait of Jadvyga Tūbelienė
Vienožinskis Justinas, Portrait of Juozas Tūbelis
Ušinskas Stasys, Female Nude
Žmuidzinavičius Antanas, Lake Vištytis
Perkowski Józef, Landscape
Valeška Adolfas, Portrait of V. Vizgirda
Vaitys Jonas, Winter
Mackevičius Vytautas, Review of creation
Paškevičius Mykolas, In the Ruins of War
Varnelis Kazys, General Mykolas Velykis
Znamierowski Czesław, Motive of the River
Kasiulis Vytautas, Pietà
Peldavičiūtė-Montvydienė Ada, Portrait of a Brother
Šileika Jonas, A Flower Bed in Front of the House
Vizgirda Viktoras, Portrait of Janina Kazakevičiūtė-Valeškienė
Žmuidzinavičius Antanas, An Artist in the Dunes
Pietkiewicz Mikolaj Jan, Card-playing Devils (the painting donated to the National M.K. Čiurlionis Museum of art)
Sleńdziński Ludomir, Portrait of the Artist’s Sister Johanna Zubkowicz
Vienožinskis Justinas, Portrait of the Writer Lazdynų Pelėda
Savickas Augustinas, In Anticipation of Winter
Žmuidzinavičius Antanas, Untitled (Rivulet)